
Axis Human Capital Group Recruitment Advisory Jakarta – Recruitment

raybonenfant23 10 years ago 0
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We believe in the use of creative and innovative ways of attracting and selecting new members of organizations, and so we operate differently from the norm.

Our recruiting - advertising, selection, orientation etc. looks for people who have passion, potential and experience. We move beyond jobs to focus on careers. We also move radically towards hiring people from more non-traditional and diverse backgrounds. This gives much room for innovation and fresh ideas in ways that will make the organization dynamic and adaptable to change.

Below are the procedures for the Jobseeker and the Employer.


To Join Our Network
1.Take a look at our career building guidelines for writing a great CV, and use it to revise your CV
2.Register with our Axis Online Network
3.Fill out the information form as completely as possible
4.If you would want to be included in our Database as a "Temp" (a person who is thoroughly assessed and is willing to take up short term/temporary positions in companies), kindly indicate that when you fill out the online registration form
5.Upload your CV (Your CV must be in a .doc, or .docx format & must not exceed 100K)
6.Visit the site often for relevant and helpful information

For more details on our recruitment processes, including interviews, please register/login.


Regardless of whether you currently have vacancies or not, we invite you to join our Axis Network, by registering online. We are committed to assisting organizations to find the best matches for their organizations, and we also help to develop the capacity of their employees to excel and become valuable contributors to achieving your mission and vision.

Axis has recruited competent employees for organizations across industries that include Law, Health, Education, Financial Services, IT, Non-Profit, Media and Manufacturing. Our clients have been pleased with our placements, since we honor our word; that we recruit people who are not only competent, but have a genuine interest in the industry they will be working in.

We would like to take on the challenge of helping your organization to become competitive in its industry, and to also become a part of its success story.

Below is an outline of our recruitment process...

Initial contact, preliminary assessment

1.Request received from client in writing (email is acceptable)
2.Axis sends the service policy, answers questions etc...
3.Axis makes inquiries about position - job description, start date, salary etc.

Job Advertising on Axis and external sites

1.Axis Selection Process
2.Search through Axis database
3.CV sorting - set selection criteria for role/function
4.Telephone screening
5.Interviews - in-house Round 1 interviews
a)Candidates may be asked to submit work samples, take on-site tests, engage in various selection activities depending on the position in question

Client selection

1.Shortlisted candidates are sent to clients (we do the scheduling)
2.We also send our interview notes (to be read AFTER clients interview candidates)
3.We may or may not join the client for interviews (depending on client's preference)

Final Selection

1.After interviews, we follow up with clients and candidates
2.Clients provide contract information for new hires - start date, salary etc...
3.We generate an invoice and send it to the client along with service report

Follow Up

1.Follow up and feedback forms will be sent to clients

For more details on our recruitment process, including fees, please register/login.