Axis Human Capital Group Limited will save you time

Axis Human Capital 10 years ago 0
So, I was unemployed for the past year and searching for a job.

I came across on Axis Human Capital Group Limited quite by accident since I was looking for a vacation spot in Jakarta Indonesia and in some way it was linked to this site which is a group of companies that is particular in socially-conscious human development firm based in Ghana which is a free internet-based tool, can help you land employment opportunities across the country and many parts of the world and obviously to Jakarta as well. Well, more links to more press on Axis so I surfed on over and thought that it couldn't be a scam like the others.

Spent some time exploring through the website and decided that for the price I had nothing to lose, particularly since I was thinking shelling out some very big bucks for a more professional resume. You know, it's that last ditch effort trusting that not being able to catch a job paying more than minimum wage and wanting 10-15 years of experience, must be since there's something wrong with what I do or with me perhaps.

I decided to sign up for a month and just observe what I could find.

Truly, I was hopeful from day 1.

After about two years of hunting...hopping through hoops...hours shuffling over an excess of worthless job boards with old or imaginary job postings and lastly looking at or being sent absurdly low paying jobs by the thousands from those "other" job boards eyeing to recruit me for education I don't need and don't want. I saw a ton of potential jobs on your site. Straightforward. No spam offers.

I suppose it took all of three weeks to catch the job posting I would like. I kept my subscription going for another month, just in case it didn't work out. I didn't have to, but I don't feel like the extra month was a waste of money.

Do I think anyone can miraculously be handed a job through Axis? No. I still had to examine each posting and each company. It just made the process a lot stress-free for me.

I love what you are doing, especially sweet that you are international.

I don't know what to say except for that I've been passing the word around.

This isn't just for stay-at-home Moms, college students, or seniors.

It isn't costly. Heck, I spend more for two to eat fast food in one sitting than I did for a full month access on Axis, you cannot have complaints at all.

It saved me time. It saved me headaches.

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