Axis Human Capital Limited is a socially-conscious human development firm based in Ghana.

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Tips to Avoid the Resume Black Hole

Axis Human Capital 10 лет назад 0

Axis Human Capital Limited, a group of companies based in Ghana Africa, provides you some tips to avoid the Résumé Black Hole. The company also serves SE Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more.

Any ATS system nowadays can simply work with Word or PDF file types. It will analyze out important bits of information and populate the database with your name, address, skills, employment history and related keywords. It will as well reserve the résumé in the form you submit to be viewed by the recruiter.

Lines, text boxes and color can be handled by nearly every ATS these days. Use these elements sensibly.

Warning! Be careful about using graphics as your resume may appear fake. Different ATS systems differ in their capacities to deal with images. Irrespective, words entrenched in graphics won't be documented or analyzed out. If you submit a graphic-heavy résumé, it may lose the visual appeal for which you go all-out for. As a replacement for, it may be perceived as nonsense on the other side.

ATS systems regard for definite items to be in specific places on your résumé. For instance, your name and contact information must be at the top – not placed in a vertical text box along the side of the page. Use suitable headings for the different sectors of your résumé and have them arranged logically.

Don't try to game the system. For instance, don't unnecessarily repeat the same keywords in your résumé just to get a better keyword-scoring match. It does not work that way. It may be seen, but recruiters usually take a negative opinion of this practice.

Make certain your résumé validates that you are well suited for the positions for which you are applying or else it will appear to be a sham. It is not the fault of the ATS if you are continually rejected for positions for which you don't qualify.

Use common sense. Don't apply for extensively diverse positions within the same company. And don't go for positions at significantly different expertise or experience levels within the same company, either. Remember that your whole profile will be seen by anyone in the company who is looking at your résumé.

Always review your resume before sending it to employers!


How to Manage Work-Related Stress

raybonenfant23 10 лет назад 0
One of people’s biggest problems is work-related stress. It may be because of a demanding boss, a mountain of workload or pressuring deadlines. Many people say stress is relative and natural but most people who undergo it would give anything just to get rid of it.

Stress may trigger depression that may sometimes lead to health issues and sometimes, suicidal attempts. Michelle M. Conette, a blogger at Charles E. Kubly Foundation, states that stress is a well known contributor to mood, mental disorder and suicidal risks. In Japan, there are more and more people who attempts suicide annually because of work-related stress and depression. Most populous countries in the world have similar records of suicidal rates. In Indonesia, particularly Jakarta which placed 4th in the world’s biggest population, suicidal rate is 9.7%. China, which is recorded to top the chart, has 12.1% of annual suicidal rate. Experts say that South Korea, which ranked 6th in the chart of suicidal rate with 20.1%, has economic downfall to blame as a major factor for the increase of death rate in the country for the last couple of years since the recession in 1998. The businesses that have closed down, the lifestyle that cannot be met and the assurance of the job have disturbed the social standing of the individual. Those who cannot readjust and adapt are the ones who are likely to be victims of stress, pressure and depression.

Stress has been a common factor for far more serious issues that may sometimes lead to the risk of a person’s life. Researchers had analyzed the causes of this issue and how to manage it.

Avoid Unnecessary Stress

Sometimes, individuals are the ones who cause themselves stress because of too much expectation to oneself. The statements, “I should finish this!”, “I have to do this or else”… These kinds of statements should be avoided. Calm down. Instead of saying these things and bursting out complaints in the end, why not be positive about it. Claim it like you mean it. Say instead, “I can do this”, “I can finish this”. Having this kind of mindset may lessen the pressure you have built in your system.

Accept the Things You Can’t Change

They always say that acceptance is the first step to every situation. There are a lot of people who fuss over things that they can’t control. Instead of focusing on these things, try to change your reaction about it. Instead of stressing over a deadline, focus on the time that you can maximize and do the task in front of you. It may be your procrastination, the though that the deadline is still far away, rather than the demand of the job that keeps you from reaching the deadline.

Invest in Work Management Trainings

Nobody stops learning. If you are nobody, then you can just allow yourself be swallowed by stress. As we earlier pointed out, stress is inevitable and normal in the work place. How to manage it well may be learnt from experience but there are also trainings and seminars you can attend to which can help you in dealing with everyday pressure of your work.

Axis Human Capital, with a group of intelligent individuals, help individuals to be better equipped in the demands of the “real world”. With their human resource trainings, you can review your opportunities and work better in a stress-managed environment.


Peer Pressure in the Workplace

raybonenfant23 9 лет назад 0
Every individual has experienced peer pressure. It is but normal to undergo this stage as one of the factors that we need to survive and to get along with the society. From early childhood until we come into the school, there is a big deal of pressure for all of us to belong.

However, while we think that we have outgrown peer pressure when we have already graduated from college; adults usually succumb to peer pressure in a more complicated manner, especially those who are younger and have weaker personality than others. It is the responsibility of strong leaders to ensure that the peer pressure within their organization is carefully managed to maintain a positive and productive work environment.

Peer pressure plays a very important role in how we work and do things. Typically, one could only get influenced by others positively or negatively by factors like growth (promotion of peers), compensation (salary differentiation with peers), opportunities (challenging assignment/type of work/on site opportunity), capability, insecurities at the workplace, etc.

While peer pressure may have carried a negative connotation in high school, it can actually motivate people to perform in the workplace. When colleagues know their performance and contributions affect someone else in the company, they're more likely to feel a need to step up efforts so they don't let co-workers down. Peer pressure that arises out of a sense of self worth and need to improve, can create a fruitful impact. A healthy competitive work environment can help build aspirations. In fact, if taken in the right spirit, peer pressure can help individuals strive towards excellence at work.

Axis Capital Group, a recruitment agency capitalizing in human resource appreciates and encourages healthy peer pressure in the workplace. We know one company in Jakarta, Indonesia who even held monthly peer-pressure reviews and assessment to serve as motivation to create and enhance work culture. For example, if colleagues have the opportunity to rate one another on teamwork, collaboration and group efforts, employees know their evaluation is tied to the perception of their co-workers. Workers who were evaluated as irresponsible may be aware of his actions and through peer pressure, be able to overcome the attitude while those who are dedicated on the job are respected and looked up to to lead the team.

However, though, there are some complaints in peer pressure as well. Giving in to peer-pressure at work is the same as allowing others to do the thinking for you. The moment you step back to think about the actions that you’re going to make because of peer influences, is the moment that you will have the courage to stand up to them. Using your own thinking ability and knowledge and not relying on your co-workers foolish reasoning’s is the best way to overcome what it is you are feeling pressured to do.


The Art of Dealing with Your Colleagues

Axis Human Capital 10 лет назад 0
A lot of our time in a week is spent in the workplace. We cannot avoid the stress and pressure that are natural in any workplace: deadlines to meet, irate bosses and piles of things to review. One thing that affects how we deal with these pressures is the usual banter and chatter with our co-workers. Our working environment may become more fulfilling and more rewarding with improved relationship with our colleagues.

It is important that there is a healthy and comfortable atmosphere in a workplace. Everyone should be comfortable in voicing out there thoughts and feel safe in doing so. The dynamics of communication should be smooth flowing in the workplace.

Share More of Yourself

One most important foundation in building a relationship is to let others know who you are. Other people would want to get to know you through the way you speak your mind. It will be easier for them to open up to you when you open up to them, thus building a relationship.

Get Involved

Don’t just get to talk when you are asked. Learn to voice your own opinion as well. It is a good way of showing that you do care about the company, the issue or the person/s involved. Bonding with them even outside of the workplace can also help strengthen the relationship. However, you want to be careful in setting clear boundaries for the situation.

Respect Others

Respect is one of the most important fundamental in every relationship. In dealing with other people and getting involved, you should learn when to butt-in in a conversation or when to voice your mind, especially in the presence of your boss.

Instead of bursting out complaints, consider that each and every individual has different values and cultures. You may be facing people with a very different belief than yours. It does good to accept that you don’t have the same mind and the same line of thoughts.

Resolve Conflicts Fast

Issues and misunderstanding will always be present in every relationship because of different beliefs and opinions especially in a workplace. Both parties should learn to compromise to resolve an issue.

About Axis Human Capital Group

Axis Human Capital Group is a team with an aim to develop talents through various organizational trainings. We are located in Ghana, Africa but our specialized blogs and articles reach to employees, employers and entrepreneurs to as far as Jakarta, Indonesia, Maldives, Singapore and the US. You may visit our website to learn more.


Skype Interview Advices and Tips

Axis Human Capital 10 лет назад 0
Skype Interview is very common nowadays, more especially that more and more people prefer to work abroad. For instance, you are from Jakarta, Indonesia and your potential employer is from Canada, they prefer to interview you via Skype.

Warning! It is very important to be dressed in the appropriate attire in the Skype process, do dress professionally. If you have need of further advices and tips on proper interview attire read on Axis Human Capital Ltd, a group of companies currently located in Accra, official website.
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It is still significant to wear smart professional clothing despite the fact that the interviewer just can see you from the waist up. This will make you feel more serious regarding the interview. It could help as well with your presentation, since the interview will seem more formal and vital. It will have an optimistic effect on your posture as well, because you will feel more persuaded to sit up straight, which will cause you to appear more presentable.

Throughout the interview, it is significant to consider your body language and social interaction. On camera it can be hard to exercise in what way your body language comes across, specifically with the brief time frame of a Skype interview. Consequently, you must try and create a good relationship with the interviewer as fast as possible. Through doing stuff like making eye contact, sitting up straight and smiling, your non-verbal communications will make you look more self-assured. It will also make you look more confident and will help you speak more clearly if you sit up straight.

While your body language is hard to put across in a Skype interview, effort and concentrate on your tone of voice. Try to sound passionate and enthusiastic to be taking the interview for the employment you truly aspire, but do not sound like a fraud. It will demonstrate the interviewer that you are be of interest in the position and make you look like a more sociable individual. Having an excited answer to a question will maintain the interviewer’s interest in what you would say, seeing that you do not desire to drop their attention.

Lastly, if you are not capable to have the interview at home, make certain you consider cautiously regarding the location that it will come to pass. It must be a noiseless place with no interruptions, so that the interview would run smoothly. If the spot you are having the interview is in public, in that case you should let the interviewer learn in advance so you can reschedule or the interviewer will take that into consideration.

Axis Human Capital Group Recruitment: Jobs for Projects & Facilities Manager

Jennifer Lapointe 10 лет назад 0
About the Job

An International sports betting operator with an enviable reputation within the sector looking to improve their revenue generating strategy and corporate identity is seeking to recruit a Project and Facilities Manager to provide support and technical expertise on outstanding and forthcoming retail store projects. The successful candidate will also be responsible for any new building construction, redevelopment and refurbishment projects by delivering advice on building architecture design, contractors and running the project from design to completion, on time and within budget.


  • Managing the construction workflow process starting in the project origination phase, to include estimating, negotiation, contracting, buyout, construction administration, financial management and closeout.
  • Acquiring and managing all building permits, Lease agreements and other regulatory prerequisites of existing and prospective sites.
  • Visiting the project work site, clarifying scope of work, and preparing cost estimates and proposals
  • Developing and implementing strategies to self-perform and to outsource the various aspects of a project to achieve the objectives of price, schedule and quality
  • Managing project costs to ensure budgets are maintained. Documenting and managing changes in the work to ensure the interests of all stakeholders in the project are reasonably met
  • Enhancing organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.


  • Minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Facilities, Property, Project Management or any related discipline.
  • 3+ years’ experience in the construction industry with a commercial and/or industrial general contractor engaged in general building construction
  • Thorough understanding of marketing, advertising, media and interactive online and mobile service space.
  • Have managed budgets but not necessarily P&L and 3rd party contractors
  • Should have experience in Service and Account Management
  • A working knowledge of civil, architectural, mechanical and electrical work
  • High level of proficiency with spreadsheets, Email and other software used in the construction industry

Followed your Twitter Account at @axishclr and Tumblr at

Techniques on How Women Can Build Confidence at Work

Axis Human Capital 10 лет назад 0
Axis Human Capital group, a group of companies based in Ghana Africa, provides women some tips to build confidence at work. The company also serves SE Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more.

Warning! Be conscious of your word choice. Women are likely to dent themselves by using softer wording, such as "I think" or "maybe” or even apologizing for interrupting. You don't have to interpose or be impolite, but use more confident words that make a statement – not a gentle suggestion.

It may sound a lot like trickery but pretend you're confident. We don't all feel like Oprah, even on our best days, but the rest of the office doesn't have to know that. Understand that how you walk, shake hands and make or avoid eye contact each tells someone whether or not you are self-assured. Therefore stand up tall, square those shoulders, walk with purpose and look everyone in the eye. You'll soon discover that even if you don't feel confident at first, you will soon. Fake it until you believe it!

Dress the part. You do not have to attire in pantsuits to prove you've got grit. Always dress suitably, however own your style. If you're more bohemian than shoulder pads, you can still wear what you love and radiate personality. You'll come off surer of yourself if you like what you wear; instead of if you dress like you think others expect you to.

Speak up. You were hired for the reason that you have smart ideas, so it's time to share them! Never be a wallflower in meetings and over-assert yourself, neither. Find the balance between holding back what you're thinking and controlling the conversation.

Play to people's preferences. Everyone's got a different button, and knowing what makes them light up can win you points around the office. It is not talking brown-nosing but just paying attention to people can help you shape relationships.

Go in a different direction. It's sometimes enticing to do what the successful people in your firm are doing, but understand you will stand out if you go in the opposite direction. If you're the lone person who thinks the proposed logo is terrible, do not be afraid to say so.

Leverage that performance review. Don’t be shy when it's time to sit down with your boss and assess the past year. Come equipped with a list of accomplishments, as well as goals for the coming year. He'll appreciate your frankness, and that bonus will be all but in the bag.

Money vs. Career

Axis Human Capital 10 лет назад 0
Every year, millions of eager young graduates step into their real world either in pursuance of their career in college or with the mindset that they can finally earn money for themselves. The latter often find themselves 20 years later to either be satisfied with their choice or not quite sure what their main goal in life still is. Very few people know what their specific purpose in life is in high school. Some might realize it in college but a lot of people who are already working have never really been able to identify their real identity or what they want to be.

When we are still young, we have specific goals: either to be a doctor, pilot, teacher or preacher. As we grow older, priorities change. We slowly understand other options, reveal hidden talents, acknowledge other skills and determine which pays more. There are so many career paths that can suite us. One thing that hinders it, though: money.

Lucky are those children who have parents that can send them to quality schools and pursue a degree related to their interest. How about those young children who have their interest at heart but have to consider a lot of factors before jumping into decisions or have to follow their parents’ choice against their will without complaints? There are also children who never had a definite choice in the first place but are willing to invest 4-5 years of their life into something that may bring them money after graduation. In the end, these children end up unemployed or wasted.

One of the reasons why there is no decline in global unemployment rate is because of the people that have not yet decided which path to take after graduation. According to The Atlantic data review, capital countries like Beijing China, New Delhi India, United States, Jakarta Indonesia and Brazil have continued to top the chart in unemployment rate despite their economic development and their being tagged as the most populous countries in the world over the years.

It is always an issue that tugs all of us: a satisfying job or a satisfying paycheck. Few had succeeded in pursuing both. These individuals are considered to be far more talented and persevered than others. To those that cannot balance both, they are forced to sacrifice one. Unfortunately, more and more young children now choose to be practical. Older people choose money as well, over that which is their true passion. That is why there is the existence of labor employment which employs everyone that can either endure 8 hrs in front of a machinery or can take a minimum of 100 calls per day except of course, if anyone dreams of being scraped to the skin or of pacifying irate customers every now and then.

There are a few companies such as Axis Human Capital Group which employs a group of people with an aim to change the way people work and develop talents especially in Ghana, Africa. These kinds of recruitment agencies have already built a reputation of employing high-caliber candidates so there are lesser risks of frauds.

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