Axis Human Capital Limited is a socially-conscious human development firm based in Ghana.

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Landing on your first job: how will you do it?

Axis Human Capital vor 10 Jahren 0
The most infuriating point to give up on the job fight is following the second interview. The excellent information is that almost certainly everybody on the few who made it on the list and who were interviewed for the second time was well chosen. Those people who are with you on the list are in the same boat. You clearly must have submitted a worthy cover letter and CV that impressed them in the initial interview.

While this can be hard, try to get some comment from the possible employer.

Many companies in Jakarta Indonesia and worldwide in general are unwilling to give such comment in instance an applicant exploits that info to allege them of some kind of judgment as discrimination.

It's a disgrace since many applicants are sincerely aiming to get helpful info to increase their likelihoods of acquiring the next position they pursue.

Make a record of locations to apply. Use a range of bases to find a job. You may begin with print and online ads, career centers, and job banks.

Collect your data and information. A lot of companies will request you to complete an application form. Be ready to do this instantly.

Applying personally is frequently the most excellent approach to catch a job. Several companies have computers arranged for you to apply right there. You generally hand in an application and then get called afterwards for an interview. However you can be interviewed instantly when you hand in an application, hence always be prepared.

Always make a good first impression. Make certain your look is suitable before you leave your home. Personal hygiene and the manner you dress will be of importance beyond a smart interview response. Assure your hair, nails and clothes are clean and neat looking.

Be well-mannered to everybody you meet. Never slump nor chew gum. Project self-confidence and make sure to make eye contact, it shows sincerity and confidence. Do not forget to turn off your mobile phone. Demonstrate interest in the job and the company, and an enthusiasm to learn.

Use an appropriate and simple E-Mail address; this has been a problem of Axis Human Capital Ltd, a group of companies currently located in Accra, for many years now. Employers don't desire to make contact somebody a unprofessional sounding email address for an interview.

Be determined, being a first-time job hunter, be ready to hear a no. Don't be disheartened by a rejection. Not one person gets a job offer for each job application that they applied.
A little experience will definitely go a long way. Acquiring work experience as soon as possible brands you a sturdier job applicant, it demonstrates that you recognize how to hold onto commitments, be punctual, and do excellent job.

Review your future goals and start reflecting on a career that would let you realize the way of life you desire while executing what you're truly effective at.

Advice for the Beginners who will be Working Overseas

Axis Human Capital vor 10 Jahren 0
Searching for an occupation abroad such as in Jakarta Indonesia or anywhere in the world you want to work at can be very challenging, particularly for the first time traveler. When you've come to a decision you would like to take a crack at something new and you are thinking working abroad, review these advises.

If you have inadequate experience on traveling, and are not actually familiar with numerous regions of the world be wary with frauds. Adapting to a different place and needing to study new language could be another challenge.

Also, seek for a career that will develop your abilities and make the most of your previous experiences. Departing overseas to be employed there had better benefit your career and do well to you in the future.

You would like to think about looking for a job via placement agency or employment that has foreign allocations as well. Locating a job with the assistance of an online job search such as Axis Human Capital Ltd, a group of companies currently located in Accra that works overseas could render your experience simpler. You could be present at interviews and collect more info regarding the job. Frequently, they could deliver a helpful service in facing your potential employer and in providing you info regarding the needed documentation, visas and many more.

In the condition that you would like to work at a particular company in one of their out of the country locations, pay a visit on their website. Frequently companies do not publish jobs anywhere except their company website furthermore it's a wonderful chance to check what opportunities are available worldwide. Various departments recruit for diverse jobs, so make certain you verify every department find interesting.

Volunteering out of the country’s organization or agency could be an excellent technique to pursue your plan and try touring and working overseas although there won't be any salary included you will profit helpful understandings re how was it to work in a foreign country, and you may not essentially need to sign a contract or a precise time frame.

Working in a foreign country for a first-timer could be a worthwhile experience if you bear in mind these several simple advises.

How to Deal With a Bully Boss

Axis Human Capital vor 10 Jahren 0
Bullying is not just happening at playgrounds or online. On a regular basis, many grownups are intimidated, especially when you are an alien in a foreign country such as Jakarta Indonesia, by no other than the bully bosses. Many don’t imagine having to deal with bullying after high school. However, a lot of individuals are discovering that bullying is not restricted to teenage years. In reality, to a greater extent, many are facing bullies at work.

Bully bosses are the angry boss who occupies his day shouting and violently handling employees to the passive aggressive one who is controlling the condition in the background. However, everyone has a common one characteristic: they just concern about themselves and their career.

For example, a bullying boss embarrasses you in front of everyone. He furthermore, may possibly scream, curse or shout at you on a regular basis or make invasive gags at your expense. Orally offensive bosses as well make sarcastic comments or bid unjust critique regarding you or your work. This kind of people is worse than a fraud.

Go over their head! On the condition that the boss who is bullying you can't in fact lay you off you, in that case, report and have a formal complaint re their conduct to the authority. When there's a board or committee that employs and throws out employees, you should report to them. But, there's a danger of going over a bully's head, it is that you are not lawfully secure critical of vengeance for reporting a bully, thus they might simply take the boss's side and throw you out instead.

Report for yourself and others and speak out. Saying that this person is a not just to you and to others as well, thenceforth you may be secure against vengeance if you report on behalf of others and yourself. If you're involved in collaborative action with coworkers, you are possible to be protected under the law.

Study for discrimination or other protected standing, Axis Human Capital Ltd, a group of companies currently located in Accra has many tips and advices for concerning the topic. Office bullies are similar to playground bullies. They aim at the frail and the different. That denotes they regularly break the law.


How to nail an Interview

Axis Human Capital vor 10 Jahren 0

Your interview skills will at all times be necessary, whether you are working your initial steps up the career ladder being a fresh graduate or meaning a truly significant job shift and job relocation in Jakarta, Indonesia or anywhere around the world. At the moment, it is more vital than ever to have sturdy interview talents due to the totality of competition out there. In spite of the situation you are in, it is significant to be ready for the interview.

Below is the list prepared by Axis Human Capital Ltd, a group of companies currently located in Accra, to help you pull a perfect interview.

Ensuring a professional method will at all times makes you appear a lot more serious towards the position you are being interviewed for. Minor stuff such as a good posture and presenting other plain qualities of professionalism will display that you are confident. Continuously make certain you are punctual for your chance may rule you out immediately for being late or for failing to demonstrate basic etiquette in the place of work. Coming late implies that you do not respect the interviewer to come a little early to the interview.

While in the interview make certain that you inquire many questions to display your interest. Do not start off by stating how much you want the job, because it could come across as slightly fraud. As a substitute, inquire questions because it as well provides you the opportunity to learn more on the job itself, like the duties in addition to whom you will be working with. Never be scared to inquire questions, considering that it will display just how enthusiastic you are to the interviewer.

A helpful thing to do in preparation for an interview is to fully research and review the company. Ensure that you are acquainted with a bit regarding their philosophy and background so you could demonstrate the interviewer in what way you will be well suited into the company. Display exactly how the skills you have will help you match into the group and even be a value to the company. When the interviewer says something you have never performed before, do not answer, “I can’t” or “I haven’t”. As an alternative, give out the experience you do have and discover an optimistic thing from that.

Once you have completed the interview, it is worthy to follow it up with an email or handwritten note. This must show gratitude to them for their time and incorporate some added info where relevant like a link you discoursed throughout the interview. This will display them that you are truly fascinated in the job and it is as well a respectful gesture, which the interviewer may be grateful for.


Keep your information guarded while seeking job online

Axis Human Capital vor 10 Jahren 0
It is now very easy to get away from a crime of swindle through the printing press came fabricating, in addition to at the present, scam artists remain to keep abreast of technology thru abusing the Internet's privacy to come close to preys around the Web. Whereas Internet fraud is not new anymore, wannabe fraudsters have discovered a fresh way to extend to the victims which is online job postings.

Even though offline manners determine the example for this kind of conspiracy, the redeploy to the Web lets crooks to stretch to huge figures of possible victims. Frequently their objective is identity theft, besides ploys can be duplicitous. Manipulation of job seekers' aspiration to thrill would-be employers, they question for every types of personal information such as everything they need so that they can get your identity without you knowing it and use your money.

The finest defense is continuous care while seeking for jobs. Given that the purpose of the ploy is to target on your faiths for an excellent profession and to knock you where you are expecting it the least, staying cautious around even the very legitimate-sounding applications for your personal information is at all times defensible. Axis Human Capital Ltd, a group of companies currently located in Accra is very aware of this occurrence.

A securer substitute is to apply straight to employers in their company Web sites or, if doable, through sending your CV by email to the hiring manager for the title. Nowadays, with the simplicity of identity theft, it’s similarly not a good idea to add in your home address on your CV. Think through leasing a post office box for the period of your hunt. You can as well acquire a momentary mobile number and email address just intended for your job search. You wouldn’t like to give away info that you’ll afterwards be sorry giving out, like your Social Security number.

On the other hand, through composing your job search excessively private, you might unintentionally bound your publicity to authentic finds for possible jobs in your own country, let’s say you want to work in Jakarta Indonesia or in any part of the world.

Job seekers may reduce danger by applying persistence regarding which they reveal personal info with. This consists of regulating what they expose on social media. For instance, birth dates, which many Facebook users post on their profile, might be worked on to get access to many other data.

It's healthier to carry applications personally. If you happen to apply online by means of a form, guarantee the website is safe and genuine. There must be a tiny lock at the bottom of the browser plus an "https" in the Web address.


What To Do When You’re The New Guy

Axis Human Capital vor 10 Jahren 0
The succeeding few weeks in your fresh workplace will be a challenge while you attempt to find your position inside this new organization. You'll be acquiring different ideas and struggling to make friends.

Reach out and make an effort as regards to making friends. Hand others the chance to be acquainted with you and then get to know you while at the same time to get to know them as well. Start a conversation you can maybe ask them regarding their hobbies or work experience. Through being friendly and sociable, you are presenting your new company, along with your new coworkers that you are a worthwhile colleague of their group and they will acknowledge you as you are. By means of taking part in after-work get-togethers, you will be displaying that you value being invited plus you recognize their exertions to bring you in.

To begin with, learn everyone's name, this is one of the most important things you need to do in your new place of work. From the lowest to the highest ranking, they are no different; you need to show the same respect by knowing their name. Know everybody's name immediately. But then again do not end there. Make certain you are acquainted with suppliers and vendors, along with rivals, clients, and everyone else who interrelates with your corporation. Through being inside the circle, you will appear equipped and will be treasured by your team.

Review the underlying forces of your new workmates and their interactions with each other. Office relationships are every so often complicated to comprehend and through observing how to relate with one another, you can to acquire just how to behave with them. Finding out by what means things work at the office is significant to in what way you will cope with the new environment. Axis Human Capital Ltd, a group of companies currently located in Accra has many tips and advices for you in their official website.

You wouldn’t like to catch a reputation as being lazybones or a fraud, particularly not in your first weeks at your fresh job. Working hard will reward you the admiration and respect of the people around you. Up until you recognize what is anticipated of you regarding your schedule and work hours, make certain you begin punctual and you wrap up when you are required to.

The best you could execute is be sociable and approachable in relation to your coworkers, especially of you found yourself working in a foreign country maybe like Jakarta Indonesia. Through completing your job as anticipated and working hard, you will be presenting them that you are exerting efforts at fitting in.


What is Errors & Omissions Insurance or Professional Liability

Axis Human Capital vor 10 Jahren 0
Errors and omissions insurance or E&O insurance is a kind of malpractice insurance. In general, it covers professionals, like financial advisers, doctors and lawyers, if in case an error they have made lead to physical damage, harm in the reputation of a client or a financial loss.

Professional who offers services to individuals and businesses must have e&o insurance. Doctors and other medical professionals are commonly obliged to have malpractice insurance.

E&O insurance is non-compulsory for other professionals and countries, like in Jakarta, Indonesia, at least from a legal perspective. Though, it is not mandated by law, it`s however a great decision to purchase one or you will be having complaints on why you didn’t.

Professionals would not purposely do something erroneous or provide a client damaging advice, however everyone makes errors. E&O insurance will cover you if the customer sues and wins a judgment of frauds against you.

Your policy will cover your legal payments even though you are wrongly suspected of having done an error.

Many companies that offer general business liability policies such as Axis Capital, a group of companies in Bermuda and has many more offices worldwide offered errors e&o insurance as well. You possibly will also locate agents who concentrate in offering said insurance.

You may possibly still must go finish a separate underwriting procedure, even though you secure a policy from the same company that works out for your liability insurance. The insurer will be demanding to ensure copies of agreements along with any quality control and training policies you possess. They furthermore will require to look at your claims history or lack thereof.

Prices for e&o insurance will possibly rely not just on your personal state, but including the company you work for. You might end up in financial troubles if you make an error and be defeated a lawsuit over it, going without e&o insurance. So therefore, you could discover yourself necessitating to catch a solution to get debt aid or debt payment. It is better to be ready than to be dealing with lots of complaints in the future.

Axis Human Capital Group Limited is good but needs improvement

Axis Human Capital vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert vor 10 Jahren 0
I am certain you are all very aware of the online job database that has gotten about millions of people jobs all over the world - frequently Asia. As for my own experience with Axis Human Capital Limited, a group of companies that is particular in socially-conscious human development firm based in Ghana which is a free internet-based tool, can help you find employment opportunities across the country and internationally such in SE Asian countries like KL Malaysia, Jakarta Indonesia, Beijing China, Bangkok Thailand and many more, I have no complaints against them.

To most and even for me Axis is like correspondingly big thing online for jobseekers.
I have been a member of this site for approximating a few years now, and also my boyfriend who have been with the site for a couple of months himself now that he wishes to have a shift in his career.

It was a bit of a help though being a member and taking time filling out such long and several sets of forms and end up with just those jobs we are not interested of.

I said nothing since as per both our experiences; no one from the companies I like that we have posted has actually called us from them.

We have never gotten any bad results with this website - not at all! Means they are not a scam.

Funny thing is the companies we have applied for stays outstanding in our job application list and there is no updates information we can get from the site, nothing like other sites where you can see that your resume has been viewed previously or if they have dropped your application.

At least, you will know where your application stands, right? To add to that, this site is very easy to use at all, it gives a pop up screen of your log in account and you can go through all the other pages in another sheet - like search for a couple of other jobs that is interesting to you.

They are sure got a lot of things they should be improving on still.

They need to improve and demand their member employers to give updates, they should have a user friendly search functions, and an updated search results.

I have searched a couple of expired job postings and it is just so tiring to go over the site and get nothing at all.

It wasn’t a fruitful experience, to be honest when you go and try to apply for jobs at this website.


Axis Human Capital Limited is the right one for you

Axis Human Capital vor 10 Jahren 0
Axis Human Capital Group Limited, is a group of companies that is particular in socially-conscious human development firm based in Ghana which is a free internet-based tool, can help you find employment opportunities across the country and internationally such in SE Asian countries like KL Malaysia, Jakarta Indonesia, Beijing China, Bangkok Thailand and many more. It is the largest job search service in my review. I have found success landing a new job with them. Since job hunting is somewhat a numbers game, meaning, the more jobs you apply to, the greater your chances of landing a job, it has a lead over its rivals.

You can see from the home page you have access to many facilities. For instance, you can do your job search, get help in writing your resume, look for a degree program, and even take part in an opinion poll. Making an account is free. As soon as you made an account, they will offer you a extensive range of services to help in your job search; you can have several resumes on file, access application history, keep contacts, access letters and questionnaires, use a message center, and a host of other features. Adding up to that, you can save jobs, this is particularly useful for bookmarking interesting positions, use job search agents, and post your resume. What else can I ask for; I am very contented with their service.

Some of the most notable features are found in the Marketplace and Career Advice pages. The extent of information and tips here are incredible. They consist of job interview and cover letter tips, salary comparisons, thousands rollover information, job profiles, and a self-assessment center. They as well offer career advice for numerous dissimilar areas, access to job search blogs, and the chance to be remained updated with new information via an RSS feed or traditional newsletter. Say what you want and they got it. It really is the one-stop shop for landing on an employment.

Their FAQ page is very in-depth but can be hard to discover. If you want an additional help, you can always contact them. Customer service is available in many ways - live chat, email or telephone. But my only complaint is that are they available 24/7?

They have a great number of available jobs to pick from, and provide a wealth of useful job search and career information. For these disputes, you can be guaranteed that they are not a scam. I recommend them for everyone.

It’s your Day Off, you should be relaxing!

Axis Human Capital vor 10 Jahren 0
It’s worthy to find time for yourself. Frequently, we get preoccupied in our responsibilities at work and don't provide ourselves time-out from our jobs.

So that we can ensure we do not stress or come to be too busy with work, it's significant to be grateful for those moments away from our jobs. When you catch yourself always worrying with work, even on your break or day off, here are some tips from Axis Human Capital Ltd, a group of companies currently located in Accra on enjoying your time away from your office.

Do something you like, go back doing your hobbies and do sports. And why not try travelling; try visiting Jakarta Indonesia for instance. Encouraging yourself is the finest technique to make certain you have a balanced home life and work. Discover something you enjoy doing and execute it. Joining in a sport of hobby with new people or old friends provides you a renewed viewpoint, a fresh set of friends, and an alteration different from your steady everyday life.

Create a record of the most significant stuffs you need to get done on your day off and give precedence to it. Put those things into your work week if you must, to facilitate when the weekend approaches, you are unrestricted from responsibilities.

We get occupied and we frequently disremember to enjoy. Play with your kids, have some quality time. Inserting happiness and funny side to your life is the great technique to renew the enjoyment. Stop overthinking and just go at it! Don’t fear making a chaos, ­a good chaos.

If you can't take pleasure in it, so what is the importance of having day off? It is like knowing something is a fraud and still going for it, you are deceiving yourself. Stuffing your idle time with other jobs or stuffs that need to be completed lays a constant worry on you that you must not undergo. Cut back on your duties and responsibilities through joining in events that are really for you and not to please other people. Having time for yourself must be regarding on doing what you love, not concerning taking on more obligations or duties.

Through doing these unfussy steps, you can help salvage a feel of balance in your life and avoid complaints in the future. Do something you love on your day off if you are one of those who worry a lot concerning work despite that they are not at work. Regaining the excitement back will do you good.